Vol Ist =395.00, Vol IInd = 495.00
The text book named “Nidan Bodhini”- A Text book on Roga Nidan Evum Vikriti Vigyan is a comprehensive text book for learning pathology and diagnosis in Ayurveda for under graduate & post graduate scholars.This book emphasizes on Ayurvedic understanding of pathogenesis and its components without loosing integrity from Ayurvedic literature.The chapters are very keenly knitted with a continuous flow of thought.The topics are elaborately discussed with the commentaries of respaective reference to make it a complete reading.The book also simultaneously acts as a glossary,thereby clarifying the exact concepts tagged behind various words mentioned by the Ayurveda Acharyas and commentators for a better comprehension.Concepts and methods of pathogenesis and diagnosis of diseases in Ayurveda have been explaind in various sections.Text book can be used as reference by Ayurveda scholars for Roga Nidan,Kayachikitsa and for certain topics on other subjects.The details description of various topics of Ayurveda in the book will stimulate the scholars an interest in reading Samhitas and contemplate on them.
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